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Public Advised to Seek Designated Drivers to Avoid DUI during CNY Holiday

Public Advised to Seek Designated Drivers to Avoid DUI during CNY HolidayWith an anticipated increase in social occasions and get-togethers around Chinese New Year, individuals are reminded to avoid driving under the influence (DUI) for their own safety and those of other road users. Any from the list of alternatives should be employed by revelers as a way to go home safely after drinking alcoholic beverages:
1. Designated driving by companions: Select a sober companion as the driver.
2. Taxi: Call the toll-free number 0800-055-850 (landline) or 55850 (mobile) for cab service.
3. Designated driving by taxi drivers: Book a cab driver who will visit the location of the intoxicated customer and drive him/her home safely.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) noted that it has conducted negotiations with the City’s taxi companies regarding designated driving charges. The service providers agreed to charge no more than NT$1,000 for a ride with distance less than 10 km. A cap of NT$100 for every 2 km exceeding the 10 km limit is also in place.
For the convenience of residents, the designated driving service has been made available by calling the taxi hailing number 0800-055850 (for landlines) and 55850 (for mobile phones). Individuals are also encouraged to use the app “臺北好行” to access the designated driving feature.

Drivers caught DUI with breadth alcohol test levels exceeding 0.15 will be fined between NT$15,000 and NT$90,000, in accordance with Article 35 under the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Those whose test result exceeds 0.25 will face charges of Offenses against Public Safety, DOT noted.